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Dr Gérard DIEUZAIDE Hyper Sensibilité Électromagnétique - Prévention Conseils et Formations

Conference with the congress To overcome the degenerative diseases


To overcome the degenerative diseases – Congress CYCLES I Heavy metals

Synopsis of the conference of Doctor Dieuzaide

“We often hear of environmental pollution, the air, water, the food.
Electromagnetic pesticides, heavy metals, waves make from now on started from our daily newspaper.
But isn’t the environment which is closest for us us even?
What is it thus pollution due so that we have in our oral and dental sphere?
Which impacts have these pollutants of nature chemical, biochemical, electrochemical or electromagnetic on our health?
Can our joint pains, chronic tiredness, invalidating it fibromyalgia, and many other evils which make our life uncomfortable, and even for some, a hell, they have a dental origin bucco? Which are the solutions?
While being based on concrete facts and scientific publications, Dr. Gérard DIEUZAIDE will make you share his experiment. “

Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, rheumatoid polyarthritis… Which common point between these diseases?
They are noninfectious and noncontagious diseases, causing a progressive degeneration of the bodies, called degenerative diseases.
The touched people are increasingly many, but also increasingly young. The starting factors of the degenerative diseases are genetic, biological and environmental, among which appear heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, etc a real issue of public health because of their toxicity, and of the increase in the exposure to these elements.
To better know the degenerative diseases, their factors starting and the solutions to be brought: a approach now essential to preserve our health.

Speakers will intervene during two days to clarify the degenerative diseases, their starting factors and the solutions to be brought
More than 10 conferences are programmed. They will be animated by the most famous experts of their field. And to continue these exchanges of exception, a round table will begin the debate.