Conference: The health of our children and pollution electromagnetic. Let us protect them
January 11 - 2017

A child on eight suffers from a mental disorder in France, which it is of hyperactivity, obsessional disorders, disorders of mood or anxiety. A child on 60 present of the autistic disorders today, against one on 4000 40 years ago. A child on 500 dies of a cancer each year, with a progression of 2% a year. These neuro-psycho-développementaux disorders and...
Plenary conference “diseases of the waves”
On 11 march 2017/11 at 14h30 to 15h30

Synopsis of the conference Fibromyalgia, chronic tiredness, multiple headaches, cervicalgies, pains, problems of concentration, giddinesses, sleep disorders, feelings of oppression, disorders of heart rate, tinnituses, disorders neurodegenerative, chemotherapy sensitivity, depressions, diseases orphan… These diseases, increasingly frequent, waste the life of hundreds of thousands of our fellow-citizens. Since about forty years wi-fi, mobile phones, shelves, video games, etc… make party of our...
On November 13th 2016

organized by Apsamed Conferences on all the treatments (of the allopathy via phytotherapy, homéo, essential oils, blood testings). Caution! More that 30 Places! No registration on the spot Presence of BCA Clinical Borréliose of Augsburg The only European private clinic 10 years of experience on the disease of lyme13 Speakers: resp laboratory (blood analyses): Anna wurm Person in charge phytotherapeutic: Wolfgang...
Conference with the congress To overcome the degenerative diseases
Le 19 novembre 2016 de 08h30 à 09h30

To overcome the degenerative diseases – Congress CYCLES I Heavy metals Synopsis of the conference of Doctor Dieuzaide “We often hear of environmental pollution, the air, water, the food. Electromagnetic pesticides, heavy metals, waves make from now on started from our daily newspaper. But isn't the environment which is closest for us us even? What is it thus pollution due so...