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Dr Gérard DIEUZAIDE Hyper Sensibilité Électromagnétique - Soins Conseils et Formations

Formation to the occluso-electrosensiblity check-up

formation du dr Dieuzaide au Bilan d’occluso-électrosensiblité

This formation is opened all to the électrosensibles people, but also to the health professionals who are often confronted with patients very sensitive, like the doctors, the osteopaths, the opticians, the orthoptists, the nutritionists.
The dental surgeons and other therapeutists will learn how to recognize the incompatibilities in mouth and to test the compatibility of the matters of which they are helped for their dental and prosthetic reconstitutions.
They will learn how to read the incredible induced tonic tensions by the electromagnetic waves and to understand their consequences, sometimes dramatic, like posing a differential diagnosis as for their origins occlusales, electromagnetic, lingual, emotional or podales.
The formation with the assessment of occluso-electrosensiblity proceeds over two days. The goal is well to understand this surprising reality of the photonic effect of the matters, from a fundamental and clinical point of view, but also to be able with final to test the electromagnetic compatibility of a matter with the oscillatory system of a subject. The électrosensibles ones will learn how to modify their internal and external environment to improve their comfort of life. The sportsmen will learn how to wear compatible clothing to improve their performances.

Training scheme



With the cabinet study of 7 or 8 cases in “live”. These patients come from all Europe, either sent by doctors, osteopaths, or other health professionals, or by buzz marketing. They in general present postural disorders, cervicalgie kind, lumbago, giddinesses, tachycardia, swarming in the members, pains of the fibromyalgic type and chronic tiredness, etc …

At the time of this clinical day you will be confronted with the reality of the electrosensibility to the matters lived by the patients themselves. The meetings are token by my secretariat as for one normal day.


09:00: Briefing on the course of the day

09:30: Consultations of patients

12:00: Pauses joint meal

14:00: Consultations of patients

18:00: End of the day.


Day 2: TO TEST


09:00: Debriefing of the day of the day before

09:30: The electromagnetic man

10:30: Concept of quantum physics

11:00: Electro-sensitivity and photonic effect of the matter

11:30: Matters: glasses, synthetic, dental prostheses and reconstitutions, coils, etc

12:00: Pauses joint meal

14:00: Concepts of postural physiology

15:00: The theory of oyster

15:30: Video projection

15:45: Debate, pause.

16:00: Private clinic: Practical exercises – To recognize the tensions them various tests coils it tests

18:00: Discussion and end of the day.



PRICE: 400 €

The formation proceeding with the cabinet and in the presence of patients, the participation is limited to 6 people.

Place: Cabinet of Doctor Dieuzaide, 9 rue de la Pomme 31000 Toulouse.