Géobiologie studies the influence of the place on the alive one. The detection of the radiations and the electromagnetic fields, and their precise localization, makes it possible to remain safe from these aggressions. Alain de Luzan and his team of experts (Géobios Group) study these phenomena since 1988. He is author, proposes conferences, formations in Géobiologie and expert testimonies of ground.
The site of the European Institute of posturology where the many aspects of this new discipline are approached.
A site dedicated to the general public and to the professionals. Data of more official with semi-official on the real risks induced by electro fields magnetic artificial. What to make? How to defend? How to protect themselves and prevent? How to detect a state electro very sensitivity? Scientific studies with the key
Earth to trot alternative medicines, director, Jean-Yves Bilien is documentarist, specialized in documentary films of investigation in the field of medicine, to see absolutely !
Houses for électrosensibles, to see absolutely !
Specialists with your listening. All that you need to limit the effect of the electromagnetic waves on your health.
Enfin une approche globale, site d’un ostéopathe posturologue, Nicolas Victoire
Amer Safieddine is postural speech therapist, hypnothérapeute, trainer in hypnosis ericksonienne and teaching with Faculty. Its approach of postural disorders, of the language and the training is total : neuro-functional calculus and emotional, where the body is invested in priority like source and destination of the cognitive, emotional potential and behavioral.
Recommended to the medical world, the book of Doctor Serge Mesquida inserts the “posturology” in the 21st century, in a nonlinear world, or the “whole” is more than the sum of its parts. Finally an outgoing work of the old well-worn paradigms of the posturology and bringing us towards a broader and more complete vision of postural science. To read absolutely by the therapeutists who are interested in this speciality.
When one speaks about posture, passing from a paradigm of system complicated with a paradigm of complex process, one passes in the same time of the concept of postural system to the concept of postural process and of the posturology to Posturoception® which represents the therapeutic application of it.
Posturoception® is the treatment of the postural process which is characterized by complexity, emergence and intentionality.
Interdependence of the extérocepteurs of positioning, load, limit and coherence which are the eye, the device manducator, the skin and the body diagram, are born the postural process.
Posturoception®, new therapeutic vision of our postural regulation, rests on the practice of osteopathy, the experimentation through double blind studies and on the clinical practice which was worked out through thousands of treated cases. It makes it possible to work out a coherent and practical design analysis and correction of the disorders of the postural process.
Moreover, it is backed up by the embryology which shows the ectodermal common origin of these various sensors, by the diagram of evolution of the development of the infant who shows that the foot is only the final link of our development towards a set up station and by the atomic physics which opens prospects for comprehension of our mode of perception never hitherto approached in this field.
This work wants to be an initiation with the fundamental comprehension of this therapeutic new approach which is Posturoception® through a theoretical and practical description of each sensor and their interdependence of which emerges the postural process.
It is intended to the professionals of the osteopathy who have the habit of locomotor functional pathologies, of the analysis of the locomotor dysfunctions and their treatments, which they are doctors, kinesitherapists or resulting from schools of osteopathy.
It is also intended to the dentists and to the experts who intervene on the device occlusal to widen the point of view of their practice. He addresses himself to the orthoptists and to the ophthalmologists who are key speakers in the control of the treatment of Posturoception®. He addresses himself finally to the doctors and to the general doctors in particular who will find matter with reflection there on one of the principal reasons for consultation of their patients to knowing the pain and who will discover the important therapeutic role that they can play in the management of the postural process.
Oral diseases: tools and methods to face these very widespread affections. Trailer of a 2 hour old document realized by Jean-Yves Bilien. To profit from the free program of accompaniment and to visualize the integrality of this document, return on the www.lesbrossesadents.fr site