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Dr Gérard DIEUZAIDE Hyper Sensibilité Électromagnétique - Prévention Conseils et Formations

Release from these parasitic matters

livre libéréez vous de ces matières parasites du Dr Gérard Dieuzaide

This book speaks to us about the electrosensibility to the matters. Dr. Dieuzaide showed that in the presence of an electromagnetic incompatibility due to a polluting substance (eyeglass frame, lenses, dental composite, dental prostheses, synthetic amalgams, coil, jewelry or matters), the operation of the organization can be disturbed, with an increase in the tonic muscular spasticity. That involves a notorious loss...

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Diseases of the Waves, how to be preserved

livre les maladied des ondes écrit par Gérard Dieuzaide

Fibromyalgia, chronic tiredness, multiple headaches, cervicalgie, pains, problems of concentration, giddinesses, sleep disorders, feeling of oppression, disorders of heart rate, disorders neurodegenerative, orphan depressions, diseases… These diseases, increasingly frequent, waste the life of hundreds of thousands of our fellow-citizens. 1800 scientific publications highlight the effect of the electromagnetic waves on the human being and the animal world. It is not any...

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A new chapter of the book – Diseases of the Waves

Un nouveau chapitre du livre du Dr Dieuzaide : Les maladies des ondes

An additional chapter of the book diseases of the Waves, how to be preserved. On January 29th, 2015 the Senate finally adopted after thousand difficulties the law bee, thus recognizing possible harmfulness for the young children of their exposure to WIFI. For the first time also on this occasion the word “electrosensibility” appeared in an official text. Article 7 – In...

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