8:30 Recording 9:00 Reception of the participants Opening of the conference: Janos Frühling (Belgium)
Welcoming speech: Dominique Belpomme (France) First session: The mankind in danger: the scientific evidence
Regulators: Janos Frühling (Belgium) and Luc Montagnier (France) 9:15 Cancer and environment: The report of the “Panel Cancer” of the President Richard Clapp (the USA)
9:30 multifactorielle Genesis of the chronic diseases Luc Montagnier (France)
9:45 extreme vulnerability of the foetus and its effects on health Ernesto Burgio (Italy)
Electromagnetic 10:00 Fields and health: the new paradigm André Vander Vorst (Belgium) 10:15 PAUSES
10:30 radioactive Pollution and health: the nuclear risk Paul Lannoye (Belgium)
10:45 destruction of the flora and fauna Allain Bougrain-Dubourg (France)
11:00 climate warming and its consequences Jean Jouzel (France)
11:15 Votes 1st amendment of the Call of Paris
11:30 Questions of the journalists (Regulator: Hervé Kempf)
12:00 PAUSES LUNCH Second Session: Drifts sociétales and political refusal
Regulators: Paul Deheuvels (France) and Jean Huss (Luxembourg) Chemical 13:30 Pollution and health: science with the policy Paul Deheuvels (France)
13:40 the scientific loss of independence Lennart Hardell (Sweden)
13:50 GMO: Conflicts of interests and scientific controversies Gilles-Eric Seralini (France)
14:00 Pesticides and health: the case of the French West Indies Josiane Jos Pelage (France)
14:10 the public health policy in Canada Louise Vandelac (Canada)
14:20 Round table: which policy environment health? Aline Archimbaud (France), Hiltrud Breyer (Germany), Marie Christine Dewolf (HEAL), Chantal Jouanno (France), François Veillerette (Side-Europe)
15:00 Questions of the journalists (Regulator: Fabrice Nicolino) Third session: Science with the service of Justice, Justice Pénale with the help of Humanity
Regulators: Laurent Neyret and Etienne Riondet (France) 15:40 Towards a legal protection of the future generations Emilie Gaillard (France)
15:50 the role and the operation of the International Criminal Court Kirsten Meersschaert (Netherlands) (provided)
16:00 End Ecocide: which strategy? Valérie Cabanes (France) 16:10 Round table: To make recognize the attacks with health and the environment like crime against the survival of humanity: how to organize itself? Ahmed Alami (Morocco), Marie-Odile Bertella-Geffroy (France), Sandor Fülöp (Hungary), Corinne Lepage, Laurent Neyret (France), Damien Short (Great Britain), Gert Peter Bruch (France)
17:00 Word in the room: vote of the second amendment of the Call of Paris