14 February 2016
” The auto–immunizing syndrome/inflammatory armature by additives (ASIA) “
Finally enquiring doctors start to understand what I have explained for 10 years with a deaf medical world! What professor Dominique Belpomme very calls “electrosensibility” (HES) or “multi chemotherapy sensitivity (MCS) could, actually, be in connections only with the environmental waves. Or at the very least that the waves would be only one cofactor with the noxious effect of the electromagnetic incompatibilities with certain materials, metal or not, often located in mouth! The proof is that on these patients coming to consult me and having been diagnosed HES or MCS, the fact of withdrawing some materials in mouth are enough to remove most of their symptoms, sometimes totality, as testify some to the hundreds of testimonies. (see mitre testimonies)
By the same one it is inconceivable as in a conference on the electrosensibility like that of February 11th, 2016 at the National Assembly, the word “tooth “was never pronounced by the “specialists” who expressed themselves there! And how all is done by certain so that it is not marked! Ego when you hold us !
In the same way whereas this conference was not to be held which has of the doctors and therapeutists, they were actually only one minority. As often in this kind of demonstration the “great mass” with take place without the least true exchange not being able to be done between health professionals, whereas that was the announced goal of these meetings.
It is necessary to refine more than ever research and thus the diagnoses between all these pathologies, Lyme (and other infection cold), HES, MCS, IEM, in the interest of the patients. It will be then finally possible to better understand the problems of the electromagnetic incompatibilities (IEM).
The message following coming from “chronimed” is very explicit. (Group of doctors independent working under the presidency of professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize of medicine).
Message of 2/14/16 17:03 Of: “Dr. Eric KIENER [chroni-France]” <> a: “Dr. Frédéric Rérolle” Subject: [chroni-France] for chronimed
It acts und syndrome very near clinically to a cold infection: Auto–immunizing syndrome/inflammatory armature by additives (ASIA)
Dr. Pierre Margent (9/10/2012)
The syndrome auto–immunizing (or auto–inflammatory) induced by the additives or ASIA, still named Syndrome of Schoenfeld, is a recently described entity. It associates, to differing degree, muscular demonstrations (myalgias, myosite, functional impotence), arthralgies and/or arthritis, sleep disorders and chronic tiredness, cognitive or mnemic disorders, cutaneous demonstrations, gastro-intestinal and respiratory disorders and, on the biological level, appearance of autoantibody and/or specific antibodies against a given antigen.
In fact, this syndrome, still vague and in the course of individualization, could be dependent, at genetically predisposed subjects, with the exposure to various additives. It was implied in 4 pathologies whatever little diverting but with common clinical elements and which, all, was the translation of hyperactive immunizing responses: the siliconose, the syndrome of the War of the Gulf, the myofasciite with macrophages and certain vaccine reactions post.
It could also be cause of the fibromyalgias or the syndrome of irritable intestine. Several deliveries of this 8th international congress on the autoimmunity are devoted to him. With the plan nosologic, E. Israeli proposes to associate the syndrome of the unhealthy buildings there, with the very vague limits but with close symptomatology (1). It could also be the fact of metal implants the such observation brought back by E. Loyo of a 23 year old woman who, after establishment with a cosmetic aim of a metal nickel titanium element, developed a varied symptomatology (extreme asthenia, adenopathies, hépato splénomégalie, weaken, thrombocytemy, hyperferritinemy). After the failure of various treatments, only the ablation of the implant was followed of a complete disappearance of symptomatology without repetition with 8 years of retreat (2).
Injection under cutaneous of various exogenic substances, whose vegetable oils, was also brought back by O. Will see Lastra in a series of 55 patients. The site of injection was varied: lower extremities and thighs, face, chin, centres,… symptomatology close to that of an auto-immune disease. Without filling all the criteria of them, these demonstrations could be close to syndrome ASIA (3). In their princeps description, Y. Schonfeld and NR. Agmon-Levin mentioned exposure to silicone. A close observation is reported by L J Lara, concerning a 22 year old young woman, with the antecedents of disease of Still at the 11 years age which developed, after mammary silicone prosthesis installation of, a symptomatology close to a lupus then, at 25 years, a major push of concomitant disease of Still of the rupture of the prostheses. Their ablation was followed of a complete standardisation of any symptomatology (4).
In a more worrying way, the vaccines with additives could also involve clinical demonstrations being integrated in the ASIA. C M Cruz brings back of them a series of 40 patients, including 2 former reactivations of MAY (5). There Zafrir, of the team of Shoenfeld also, in a series of 114 patients after vaccination anti Hepatitis B. Clinical latency was on average 43 days; neuro-psychic in 70% of the cases, digestive in 50%, musculo-skeletal symptomatology in 39%, cutanéo-mucous membrane in 32%. At 80% of the patients the appearance of car antibody (6) was noted.
In Soriano, as for him, starting from a series of clinical cases, the assumption emits that an anti-flu vaccination could make the bed of the disease of Horton or pseudonym rhizomelic polyarthritis at genetically predisposed subjects, HLA-DR B1 (7). These clinical observations join experimental work of A Katzav which, in heterozygous mice with the factor V Leyden notes, after exposure to the additive of Freund, the more frequent appearance of antibody anti phospholipides (8).
many somewhat disputed pathologies or at least very badly explained could be included in this new syndrome related to the additives.
In fact, those could act at various levels of the immunizing response, disturbing the activity of the dendritic cells and T lymphocytes in particular. Clinically, the team of Schonfeld defined, for inclusion in syndrome ASIA of the major criteria, of which the exposure to an antigen, appearance of evocative clinical demonstrations and improvement after ousting of the causal agent and the minor criteria of which the frequency of MAY one in the antecedents or the appearance of car antibody.
Later studies remain however essential for better specifying the physiopathology of this new entity and determining more precisely the clinical limits of them.
1)Israeli E: The sick building syndrome ace has share of car immune syndrome induced by 2)Loyo E: ASIA syndrome? Autoimmunity related to metal implant. 3)Will see-Lastra O and collar. : Auxiliary Human disease induced by foreign substances: new model of ASIA has. 4)Jara L: Still’ S disease, lupus – like syndrome breast implants. 5)Paredes Casillas P and collar. : Unfavourable events following immunization with vaccinate containing auxiliary. 6)Zafrir Y and collar. : Autoimmunity following Hepatitis B vaccinates aces leaves of the spectrum of “car immune syndrome induced by auxiliary. 7)Soriano a: Giant concealment arteritis/polymyalgia rheumatica and influenza vaccination; systematic analysis of box has – series. 8)Katzav A and collar. : Additive immunization induces high level of pathogenic antiphospholipids; facet of ASIA syndrome has. 8th international autoimmunity congress – Granada (Spain) – May 9th-13th, 2012.
Complementary articles relative to this congress
Syndrome of the serum antibodies anti-GQ1b IgG: immunological data and private clinics (9/10/2012)
O Helminthiases and autoimmunity (9/10/2012)
Prevalence of the autoantibodies at the time of the first assessment etiologic of a pulmonary arterial hypertension (9/7/2012)
Clinical significance of autoantibodies anti-RNP A (9/7/2012)
Antibody anti R0/SSA and prolongation of interval QT in the adult (9/6/2012)
Evolution on more than 10 years of a Brazilian troop of a deficit in IgA (9/6/2012)
CH-1660 Château- d’ Œx
The virtue is lost in the interest like the river in the sea