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Dr Gérard DIEUZAIDE Hyper Sensibilité Électromagnétique - Prévention Conseils et Formations

Conference recognition electrosensibility the 2/11/2016 at the National Assembly of Paris

18 January 2016


Doctor Gérard Dieuzaide will be present at this conference for the recognition of the electrosensibility.
Michele RIVASI and Laurence ABEILLE organize on Thursday, February 11, 2016 a Conference “For the recognition of the electro over-sensitiveness” at the National Assembly in Paris.

In a context where for the first time a court recognizes the handicap of with electromagnetic over-sensitiveness, where the villages in “white area” by the antennas relay and where the 5G starts to be tested in certain cities, it will be covered is more than ever time to give the subject on the table.

At the time of this conference, an appeal of doctors will be launched and given to the Minister for health (its participation is not confirmed yet). This call is in attachment, you can make known it with the doctors or health professionals around you. The signatories must to simply send me an e-mail with their name and their function

This event is more particularly intended to the doctors and to health professionals; thanks to the assistance of several associations, an invitation was sent at the beginning of week to a database of more than 500 contacts (including doctors, health centres with work, MDPH, mutual insurance companies, ARS…)

For as much, it is opened with all, and you will find a link in bottom of the program in attachment to register you (free free entry and but obligatory registration to be accredited and be able to penetrate in the Parliament)

Do not hesitate to disseminate this information around you!

I am at your disposal for any relative question with this Conference,
For information, we are in waiting of the answer of David CARPENTER to intervene

For Michele RIVASI