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Dr Gérard DIEUZAIDE Hyper Sensibilité Électromagnétique - Prévention Conseils et Formations

Installation of a clinical study in partnership with Dr. Dieuzaide on the long-term consequences of the electromagnetic decontamination in mouth in the case of fibromyalgia pain

1 May 2017 |  , ,


For more than 10 years maintaining Dr. Gérard DIEUZAIDE has proposed a natural treatment of the fibromyalgia to improve comfort of life in this affection, an electromagnetic déparasitage, i.e. d'enlever certain materials incompatible in the oral sphere and to replace them by compatible materials from an electromagnetic point of view. We...

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The truth on the new communicating meters : the book of Clotilde Duroux

6 November 2016 |  ,

” The truth on the new communicating meters “  The book of Clotilde Duroux (Author), and Prefaces of Doctor Gérard Dieuzaide (Ci below) Appeared in October 2016 Test (stitched)   To buy the book These last tens of years saw following one another one very a large number of medical scandals of...

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Some scientifics start to wonder about the electromagnetic incompatibilities

14 February 2016 |  0 comment |  ,


” The auto--immunizing syndrome/inflammatory armature by additives (ASIA) “  Finally enquiring doctors start to understand what I have explained for 10 years with a deaf medical world! What professor Dominique Belpomme very calls “electrosensibility” (HES) or “multi chemotherapy sensitivity (MCS) could, actually, be in connections only with the environmental waves. Or...

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Are the communicating meters installed in our houses without danger to our health ?

9 November 2015 |  0 comment |  ,

compteur linky

Linky, the electric meter “communicating” of ERDF, will be gradually installed by the end of 2015 – and up to 2021 – in 90% of the hearths. Not less than 35 million hearths will be equipped with it. Consumers' associations worry on several level. Electrosensibility, data confidentiality, remote cut… Here the...

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Call : Justice grants electrosensible definitively, the handicap is recognized !

25 October 2015 |  ,


Official statement of the Monday, October 26, 2015 The call of the MDPH (Département house of the Handicapped People) against the judgement of the Court of the Dispute of the incapacity of Toulouse of July 2015 acknowledging the right to an allowance for the handicap “of electrosensibility” has just been rejected....

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NEW: First recognition of a handicap due to the electrosensibility in France !

12 October 2015 |  0 comment |  ,

It is a first: French justice recognized the existence of a serious handicap due to over-sensitiveness with the electromagnetic waves. It is what announced Tuesday, August 25 the association Robin of the roofs, which militates for the public health in wireless technologies. This decision represents “a great step ahead for the...

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The demounting of the amalgams and other materials with antenna effect and their replacement

3 February 2015 |  0 comment |  , ,

La dépose des amalgames et autres matériaux à effet d’antenne et leur remplacement

The mouths of our fellow-citizens contain today a true mosaic of metals and different materials posed by the dentists. All these materials used in modern dentistry are complex physicochemical compounds, for which technical qualities take precedence over qualities of biocompatibility. One counts sometimes more than 30 different matters in an oral...

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The new book of Gérard Dieuzaide “DISEASES OF the WAVES”

14 November 2014 |  ,

livre les maladied des ondes écrit par Gérard Dieuzaide

Fibromyalgia, chronic tiredness, multiple headaches, cervicalgie, pains, problems of concentration, giddinesses, sleep disorders, feeling of oppression, disorders of heart rate, disorders neurodegenerative, orphan depressions, diseases… These diseases, increasingly frequent, waste the life of hundreds of thousands of our fellow-citizens. 1,800 scientific publications highlight the effect of the electromagnetic waves on the...

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3 November 2014 |  ,

TO MAKE RECOGNIZE THE ATTACKS WITH HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT LIKE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY : WHICH STRATEGY? HOW TO ORGANIZE ITSELF ? At the time of the 10 years of the Call of Paris Fourth conference birthday Professeur Luc Montagnier and Doctor Dieuzaide at the time lunching it at the time...

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Interview of Gerard DIEUZAIDE in the newspaper “inquires of health” June 2012 into the fibromyalgiaYou understand that for people in an extreme state

22 August 2014 |  , ,

Interview du dr Dieuzaide pour le magazine Enquêtes de Sante

Dr. Gérard Dieuzaide is dental surgeon, university degree of posturology and is today what one can call a posturo-dentist. It is thus before a whole holistic dentist, i.e. an expert who has a high knowledge that any act which it practises in the mouth of his patients can have consequences on...

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